- anti-hum
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English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
Anti-Europeanism — is hostility, opposition or discrimination directed towards the governments, culture or people of Europe.Anti Europeanism, which is distinct from Euroscepticism,cite web |url= http://www.hoover.org/publications/digest/3058211.html |title= Anti… … Wikipedia
Anti-Müller-Hormon — Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 535 Aminosäuren … Deutsch Wikipedia
Anti-Müllerian hormone — Identifiers Symbol AMH Entrez 268 HUGO … Wikipedia
Anti-Turkism — Anti Turkism, Turkophobia, Turcophobia or anti Turkish sentiment is the hostility towards Turkish people, Turkish culture, the Ottoman Empire (Turkish Empire) and the Republic of Turkey. In late 19th century, William Ewart Gladstone firmly… … Wikipedia
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody — Anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs) are a group of mainly IgG antibodies against antigens in the cytoplasm of neutrophil granulocytes (the most common type of white blood cell) and monocytes. They are detected as a blood test in a… … Wikipedia
anti- — 1. ant(i) ♦ Élément, du gr. anti « en face de, contre », signifiant en composition : 1 ♦ Qui est situé en face de, à l opposé de : antarctique, anticathode; et aussi Anti Atlas, Anti Liban, n. pr. 2 ♦ Qui s oppose à, qui lutte contre les effets… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Anti-topoisomerase antibodies — AutoAbBox Autoantigen = Topoisomerase OneIsoform = Yes OneIsoformSpecialName = Topoisomerase I (human) OneGene = TOP1 OneOrgan = Dermis OneTissue = OneCell = OneAlso = OneDisease = Scleroderma,Systemic sclerosis OneIgClass = IgG, IgA… … Wikipedia
Anti-apolipoprotein antibodies — AutoAbBox Autoantigen = Apolipoprotein,β 2 Glycoprotein 1 OneIsoform = Yes OneIsoformSpecialName = Apolipoprotein H OneGene = APOH OneOrgan = Cardiovascular OneTissue = serum OneCell = blood platelets OneAlso = serum proteins OneDisease =… … Wikipedia
Yeh hum naheen — Infobox musical artist 2 Name = Yeh Hum Naheen Img capt = Single Cover for the anti terrorism song Yeh Hum Naheen Released = 16th July 2007 Tags = Pakistani, Afghananti terrorism website = http://www.yehhumnaheen.org/Yeh Hum Naheen (say no to… … Wikipedia
Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter — QH 50 im Museum von Fort Polk Der Drone Anti Submarine Helicopter, (häufig abgekürzt DASH, offizielle Designation QH 50) war eine Drohne zur U Jagd, die im Kalten Krieg für die United States Navy hergestellt wurde. Produzent war die Gyrodyne… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loi anti-tabac — Tabagisme Cigarettes : en orangé le filtre, en gris les cendres et en blanc le papier entourant le tabac Le tabagisme désigne la consommation de tabac, produit manufacturé élaboré à partir de feuilles séchées de plantes appartenant à la… … Wikipédia en Français